Clutterfree with Kids by Joshua Becker

Clutterfree with Kids
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The complete title of this book is actually Clutterfree with Kids: Change your thinking.  Discover new habits.  Free your home.  Since that was such a mouthful, though, I decided to go the extra mile and even de-clutter the title of this post!  I have to admit that I didn’t really know what to expect when I checked out this book.  As many of you are probably doing right now, I read the title and assumed that it would be a collection of tips and tricks on how to organize your home better so that you can eliminate clutter.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was less Secrets of an Organized Mom and more Say Goodbye to Survival Mode.  Rather than tips and tricks for being better organized, I found inspiration to live more simply.  Becker gets to the root of the problem and acknowledges that people who desire a less cluttered home, and who want to spend less of their time cleaning up and organizing their stuff, should work on owning fewer things.  While some people take minimalism way too far for my comfort, I thought Becker’s approach was perfectly reasonable.  And though I could probably go on and on about different things that resonated with me, I think the perfect summary can be found on Becker’s Becoming Minimalist website — “Never underestimate the importance of abandoning crap you don’t need.”

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