Thirty Girls by Susan Minot

This novel by Minot was a tough read.  You follow two stories: the terror and abuse of a young teenage girl named Esther in Uganda, Africa, who was abducted by rebel leader Joseph Kony’s resistance army, and the account of American journalist Jane, who travels into Uganda to write a story of these abducted children.  It’s a fictional take on actual events that took place in the early 2000s.  I got caught up in Esther’s story, which was more compelling.  It told of the horrors these young girls endured, her escape, and how she had to learn how to live with the memories.  Jane’s story was less appealing to me, but the account of her journey into the country had descriptions of the beauty and wonders of the African culture and landscape, which I did find appealing. I would recommend this read because it is powerful, but also told with grace.

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